Saturday, December 26, 2020

Season 2, Episode 2 - THE SHADOW LAUGHS!


"Some people call me The Shadow. That is but one identity. I have other personalities that I assume, as easily as I don my black cloak and hat. One of my personalities is that of Lamont Cranston.
In the past, I have used it while you were away. At present, I choose to use it now.
It would be embarrassing for both of us to be here. 
So you must go."

-The Shadow Laughs!
(October, 1931) 

Artwork by George Wert

The inaugural Shadow trilogy concludes with climactic chapter "The Shadow Laughs!"
in December's edition of The Shadowcast! A dark, mysterious work in which 
The Shadow's signature twin .45 automatics make their debut, and Lamont Cranston...
...meets "Lamont Cranston"! A true classic you'll need to hear to believe. 

Artwork by Francesco Francavilla

We conclude with a bit of disquieting news about Condé Nast's incoming Shadow relaunch,
and wash the bitter taste out of our mouths with one of the greatest Mystery Horror masterpieces
ever aired, 1940's "The Laughing Corpse", featuring a series of serial murders where people
laugh themselves to death and die with a morbid grin. (you're welcome, Joker!)

"Love That Joker!"

See you in 2021, fellow agents!