Friday, July 3, 2020

Season 1 FINALE - 'THE SHADOW: YEAR ONE' (R.I.P. Denny O'Neil)

"Only death can absolve your many sins, 'Snow Tiger'!
And I am the vessel of your deliverance!"

-The Shadow
(The Shadow: Year One, 2013)

Artwork by Chris Samnee

The Shadowcast ends its exploration of The Birth of a Dark Legend with 
the first proper 'origin' comic ever published: Matt Wagner's 'The Shadow: Year One'!

And we pay tribute to the late Denny O'Neil, whose influence on the modern
mythos of The Shadow cannot be overstated!

It's been a BIG first season, and I couldn't have done it without your growing support.
Until next time, fellow agents: We'll see you all in Season 2!